Friday, January 31, 2020
Types of Services Essay Example for Free
Types of Services Essay The layout, menu, inventory, food prices and decoration of the restaurant determined by the services style. The service style of a restaurant depends on personal preferences, target market and location. Fine dining offers the finest food, services and atmosphere to the customers. Many people choose fine dining for a special occasion, so food should not disappoint, either in the selection or quality. No need to have an extensive menu, but it should be interesting, and offer unique dishes that customers cannot find in any other restaurant. Good food, drinks and wine should be extremely superior to anything offered at other restaurants and wine should be paired with the desire dishes and complement to customer’s menu. Also have prix fixe or limited menu that change on weekly or daily basis which allows people to buy seasonal items. In this kind of restaurant customer service is more attentive than in casual dining. Fine dining services goes far beyond taking an order and deliver food. Also provide the other services like crumbling the table between courses, replace linen napkin, explain menu without notes. Fine dining restaurant attract the people like business man, couples, family, tourist. These specific groups are focused because these are the people who frequent other restaurants and bar in the area also they are willing to spend their money on good dining and service at a value price. Cuisine History China has a civilized history of 5,000 years and Chinese cuisine has evolved over time. Chinese Cuisine enjoys high reputation in the world due to its abundance and exquisite, delicious taste and charming appearance. The Chinese food varies from local ingredient, climate, customs and cultures, so there are widely diverse food styles and taste in local regions. Chinese cuisine is any of several styles of food originating in the regions of China, some of which have become highly popular in other parts of the early as the 7th century B.C Chinese cuisine began to be separated as southern and northern cuisine. Southern dishes emphasize freshness and tenderness. Northern dishes have more fat and garlic which is offset with vinegar, due to its cold weather. Its cooking techniques, preparation, serving and appreciation of food have been developed to the highest level. Cooking has occupied an important position in Chinese culture throughout its history. Chinese culture considers cooking as â€Å"an art and a science†. Rich and poor, the Chinese people consider that delicious and nutritious food is a basic necessity. There is an old Chinese saying â€Å"Food is the first necessity of the people†. Preparation method Stir frying The most frequently used method is stir frying. this method cooks processed ingredients at high heat for short period. Edible oil is used as the heat conductor. Because of short period of time, ingredients keep their nutrition value. Stir frying meat is juicy and testy , vegetables are tender and crispy. Deep frying This method uses more edible oil than stir fry, producing crisp textured food. In this method, cut the ingredients in small pieces, soak them in seasoning for a while, coat with corn starch, then fry in hot deep oil over medium heat. Shallow frying Shallow fried dishes are rather tender inside, appearing golden or slightly burnt outside. First cut the ingredients in slice or flat pieces and rubbed with seasoning. For crispiness, ingredients coated with cornstarch. Ingredients should be fried one side first and then turn to other. Braising In this method cooks ingredients over medium heat in small amount of sauce and simmering for short time of period. Also known as Hong Shao when the sauce is based on soy sauce. Boiling This is the simplest method among all the methods. It is used for small sized and soft ingredients, mostly for the vegetable soups like egg and tomato and tofu soup. It takes shorter time than braising. Prepared ingredients placed in wok with water and seasonings when the surface of the water is agitated by bubbles. Steaming This is the special method invented in china. It is used for steaming dumplings and buns in north china. In this method, place the ingredients in a steamer basket which is placed over water in a steamer pot. Roasting Roasting is to cook the food over the open flame of charcoal or in oven. To roast food, the ingredients must be cleaned, seasoned and basted with edible oil in order to reduce the loss of moisture in the ingredients during the roasting process. Regional differences within the country â€Å"There is no single Chinese diet but a wide variety of diets across the country that varies with ethnic and geographic differences.†Chinese cuisine is divided into two distinct styles northern and southern. There is a plenty of regional diversity between southern and northern region in the country’s cuisine also plenty of customs and traditions associated with the preparing and consumption of food. Northern cuisine is characterized by its extensive use of oil but the food itself is not cloyed. Northern people believe that the use of vinegar and garlic make the food delicious and tasty. There are many northern dishes that revolve around pasta. Northern popular dishes are ravioli-dumplings, noodles, steamed stuffed buns, steamed bread and fried meat dumplings. The areas of Tientsin and Shantung are the regions that are known for making use of Northern style north Beijing jiaozi, Peking duck, Chinese traditional dumpling. Jiaozi is filled with pork and vegetables but it can be varied by the fruits or chestnuts. In history Peking duck is served to important and wealthy during the Qing dynasty. In southern style cooking people are used to use chili papers making the food more peppery and the food in general is known to possess tenderness and freshness. It doesn’t mean that all the food prepared in south is peppery, people can choose food according to their taste. Rice dishes like rice cake, noodles and congee are very popular in southern style cooking. In south, food taste is varies according to cities like people in shanghai like to eat sweet, Wuhan people like to eat peppery taste, some people in other cities like to eat salty food. In south, Guangdong region is famous for its light flavor and cooking technique and another creation of this region is dim sum which is small bite sized appetizer food.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Personal Narrative- Faith Through Grandfathers Surgery :: Personal Narrative
Personal Narrative- Faith Through Grandfather's Surgery At a time when I thought things could not get any worse, I found out that my grandfather would have to go through a triple bypass heart surgery. This news devastated me. My grandfather- Ampaw is what we call him, is not only my grandfather- but also my best friend. He is my role model, and I have an immeasurable love for him. I had just lost my great grandmother, and now my grandfather was going to have to go through a life threatening surgery. The news not only devastated me, but also made me ask â€Å"Why him?†I was fearful of the whole situation, and I wondered why he would have to go through this after just losing his own mother. My grandfather went to a hospital in Houston to have his surgery conducted by a specialist. My grandmother spent day and night in the hospital, never leaving his side. Their five children all took turns staying in the hospital with my grandparents. Most of the time, my mother stayed in Houston, and I stayed with her. To see my grandfather go through that amount of pain was horrible. My heart ached as I prayed for God to heal him and help him though the surgeries. My fear continued to grow at this point, but my grandparent’s faith remained strong. Many obstacles were faced as my grandfather went through the different surgeries. The most amazing thing that I saw while staying in the hospital with my grandparents was how much their faith was involved in every aspect of their lives. My grandparents never lost their faith in God through every obstacle they faced. Their faith in no way was selfish. No matter how bad things seemed to be for themselves, they always took time to pray for the doctor’s and nurse’s needs. Seeing their love for God inspired me. I could see the lessons God was trying to teach me through the whole situation. Although my grandfather’s recovery still caused him some physical struggles, God brought him through and built him up spiritually. His joy for life was overflowing, and his faith was stronger than ever. He knew firsthand, the power of God.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Phoenician Management Team Essay
The senior management of Phoenician company in Phoenix, Arizona was involved in defining an ambitious $38 million spa and golf renovation program. They considered three options for the center for well-being spa Of which the first option was seen as short-term fix, while the remaining two were viewed as having longer-term potential. Since before any work activities start on the project, the project has to be defined; that work was successively completed by the Phoenician management team; and with assistance from Starwood field operations and corporate offices. The both together prepared an extensive analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threads to better understand the environment, which should define the project right away. Planning the project The corporate design and construction group developed architectural and engineering plans, as well as the work breakdown structure (which is an important part of the project plan) and diagrams showing the critical path for the possible project options. Monitoring and controlling the project The Planning process corresponds to the â€Å"plan†component. The Executing process corresponds to the â€Å"do†component. The Monitoring and Controlling process corresponds to the â€Å"check-act†component. The Initiating process starts the â€Å"plan-do-act-check†cycles. The Closing process ends them. It is the integrative nature of project management, which requires that the Monitoring and Controlling process interact with every aspect of the other process groups Project monitoring and control is the key process in the project management cycle. Properly executing this process will contribute significantly to successful project completion. Points to know The decision to renovate the golf course and existing spa became not a question of whether to undertake the projects, but to what degree they needed to be pursued. The Phoenician management team prepared an extensive analysis of strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats to better understand the environment. The result of this analysis was used by the team to identify the set of activities necessary for each option. The management team created a work breakdown structure in order to compare different project options. Reference Page Krajewski, L. J., Ritzman, L. P., & Malhotra, M. K. (2010). Operations management. (9th ed.). Pearson College Div. Marriott International, I. (2012). Meetings and events: Step–by–step planning guide . Retrieved from Project Management Institute. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK ® Guide, 3rd Edition. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, Project Management Institute, 2004, p. 5.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Sense Perception Essay - 1160 Words
We see and understand things not as they are but as we are Christopher Columbus, in the 1440’s on his voyage to America, saw three mermaids and described them as insight of females who rose from the sea. Did Christopher Columbus Imagine the mermaids because he was interested in fantasies or did he actual see it? On one hand I do believe that we understand and see things not as they are but as we are, on the other hand disagree with this statement. The way we view things reflects on our personality and each of our personality is different and some people also have similar personality. â€Å"We do not see things the way they are but as we are†is said to be a Jewish proverb. The proverb talks about how we are engaged with sense perception. It†¦show more content†¦Emotions are of different types sad, happy, angry, cheerful and many more. Sometimes people have mixed emotions as well. We know emotions because we feel them and it tells us about what’s going on in our mind. Our state of mind also depends on the way we view things. Each person has different ways of seeing things. Even though each person views things differently but one state of mind can make the person see things the same. When a person is sad then everything around him would be sad and would react in a manner, which would make everyone, upset. When a person is happy then the people around him would be happy. The way people view thing depends on emotion. If a person is sad then everyone about him could be sad. When many people are sad they could react the same way. In some ways abstract ideas could be viewed the same for everyone and each idea could make the person view things differently. Culture can play a very important role in the way we view things. Each culture has its own values and every culture is different from one another; they infer things as they are but on how it seems. In Indian culture no woman is allowed to work or to be exposed to the world around her but in America every woman has the freedom of rights. If Indians would see the American women then they would be ashamed of how America is, they understand and see things as they are and as their culture is. Culture also makesShow MoreRelatedTok Sense Perception1197 Words  | 5 PagesTo what extent is sense perception a good foundation for reliable knowledge? Sitting in this classroom today, I can see different things around me, smell different smells around the room, feel the keyboard underneath my fingertips, taste the apple I had during lunch and hear all the different sounds coming from all different people in the room. I can say I know this to be true because we perceive the world through our five senses: sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. 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